• Supervisory Board
  • Risk management
  • Insider administration
  • Audit
  • Internal audit
  • Remuneration
  • VR City Traffic
  • Properties
  • Conductor
  • For the investor
  • GRI content index

    1. Strategy and analysis Location Comment
    1.1 CEO's statement
    1.2 Key impacts, risks and opportunities
    2. Organisational Profile Location Comment
    2.1 Name of the organisation
    2.2 Primary brands, products and services
    2.3 Operational structure
    Location of organisation's headquarters and operations
    2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form
    Markets served and scale of the reporting organisation
    2.9 Significant changes regarding size, structure or ownership during the reporting period
    2.10 Awards received during the reporting period No awards or acknowledgements will be issued as a part of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) during the reporting period
    3. Report Parameters Location Comment
    Reporting period and cycle, previous report
    3.4 Contact information
    3.5 Defining the content of the report
    Report's boundaries and limitations as well as the reporting principles
    Data measurement, re-statements and significant changes to the report
    3.12 GRI content index
    3.13 Assurance policy and practice No external verification
    4. Governance, Commitments and Engagement Location Comment
    4.1 Governance structure of the organisation
    4.2 Position of the Chairman of the Board
    4.3 Independence of the Board members
    4.4 Mechanism for shareholder and employee consultation
    4.5 Executive compensation and links to the organisation's performance
    4.6 Processes for avoiding conflicts of interest
    4.7 Processes for determining expertise
    4.8 Mission and values statements, code of conduct and other principles
    4.9 Procedures of the Board for overseeing the management of the organisation's sustainability performance
    4.10 Processes for evaluating the Board's performance
    4.11 Taking a precautionary approach
    4.12 Voluntary charters and other initiatives Energy efficiency agreements
    4.13 Memberships in associations
    4.14 Key stakeholder groups
    4.15- 4.16 Identification and selection of stakeholders, approaches to stakeholder engagement Stakeholders identified through stakeholder analysis
    4.16 Key topics raised through stakeholder engagement
    5. Management Approach to Responsibility
    (Principles, goals, achievements, responsibilities, training, surveillance)
    Location Comment
    Managing customer relations
    Financial management
    Environmental management
    Safety management
    Human resources management
    Economic Performance Indicators Location
    EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed to stakeholders
    EC2 Risks and opportunities due to climate change Described in words
    EC3 Coverage of defined benefit plan obligations Pension liability is fully covered
    EC4 Significant subsidies received from government Rail services purchased by state
    EC6 Spending on local suppliers Major purchases through public tendering for individual purchases, other purchases by competitive tendering on a leasing basis
    EC7 Local hiring Almost all of VR’s operations are located in Finland. Local staff is recruited for operations in other countries, but they account for a very small proportion of VR’s total operations.
    EC8 Infrastructure investments provided for public benefit
    Environmental Performance Indicators Location Comment
    EN1 Materials used The chemicals used for rolling stock maintenance have been reported
    EN2 Recycled materials used Described in words
    EN3 Direct energy consumption Energy consumed for rail and road services
    EN4 Indirect energy consumption Energy consumed for rail and road services
    EN5 Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements Described in words
    EN6 Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy-based products and services
    EN7 Indirect energy consumption Part of energy consumed by road services
    EN8-EN10 Water consumption Water consumption with respect to rolling stock maintenance
    EN11 Location and size of land owned, leased and managed in areas with high biodiversity value VR does not own this land. The Finnish Transport Agency manages the rail network
    EN12 Significant impact of activities, products and services on biodiversity in protected areas VR does not own the land. The Finnish Transport Agency manages the rail network
    EN13 Protected or restored habitats Described in words
    EN16 Greenhouse gas emissions
    EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions Indirect emissions are immaterial in relation to EN16 emissions
    EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances Immaterial, ozone-depleting substances have been replaced
    EN20 Other significant air emissions Emissions from rail and road services
    EN21 Water discharge VR does not discharge water into the water system; wastewater is processed at municipal wastewater treatment plants
    EN22 Waste
    EN23 Significant spills
    EN26 Environmental impacts of products and servicesn
    EN27 Reclaimable products and their reuse Immaterial with respect to the VR Group's operations
    EN28 Non-compliance with environmental regulations No incidents of non-compliance during the reporting period
    Social Performance Indicators Location Comment
    LA1 Total workforce by employment type, employment contract and region
    LA2 Employee turnover
    LA3 Employee benefits
    LA4 Coverage of collective bargaining agreements 96.8% of personnel are covered by collective bargaining agreements (TES)
    LA5 Minimum notice period with respect to operational changes Minimum period of notice is 14 days to 6 months, depending on the length of employment
    LA6 Safety committees Safety committees cover all personnel groups
    LA7 Injuries, occupational diseases, lost days, fatalities and absenteeism
    LA8 Prevention programmes with respect to serious diseases Immaterial with respect to the VR Group's operations
    LA10 Employee training Still unable to calculate average amount of training per person
    LA11 Skills management and lifelong learning
    LA12 Performance and career development reviews
    LA13 Diversity of governing bodies and employees
    LA14 Ratio of basic salary, men to women Equal rights plan
    HR1-HR2 Human rights in investment agreements and procurement practices Ethics included in terms of contracts with partners
    HR4 Prevention of discrimination Equal rights plan
    HR5-HR7 Freedom of association, forced labour and child labour Ethics included in terms of contracts with partners
    SO1 Managing the impacts of operations on communities VR does not have a separate programme for managing community impacts
    SO2-4 Corruption The approval procedure in accordance with the Group's policy aims will ensure that improper use of funds does not occur.

    There were no lawsuits relating to bribery
    SO5 Participation in public policy development
    SO6 Donations to political parties and politicians VR Group does not make donations in support of parties or politicians
    SO7 Infringement of regulations on competition and misuse of dominant market position No incidents of non-compliance during the reporting period
    SO8 Fines and sanctions for not complying with laws and regulations No incidents of non-compliance during the reporting period
    PR1 Assessment of health and safety impacts of products Immaterial with respect to the VR Group's operations
    PR2 Non-compliance with health and safety requirements with respect to products Immaterial with respect to the VR Group's operations
    PR3 Product and service information
    required by procedures
    Immaterial with respect to the VR Group's operations
    PR5 Customer satisfaction
    PR6 Voluntary principles of marketing communication The VR Group complies with the marketing regulations and guidelines issued by the Association of Finnish Advertisers.

    It is committed to the principles of the Helsinki Declaration published by the Association of Finnish Travel Agents.

    There were no incidents of non-compliance during the reporting period
    PR9 Non-compliance concerning products and services No incidents of non-compliance during the reporting period
    LT2 Breakdown of fleet composition
    LT4 Initiatives for using renewable energy sources and for increasing energy efficiency
    LT5 Initiatives to control air emissions (e.g. biofuels, economic driving)
    LT7 Procedures for noise abatement
    LT11 Policies and programmes regarding substance abuse VR has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to intoxicating substances
    LT12 Road accidents